サイトアイコン Apex Legendsまとめ速報 – えぺタイムズ



9月2日午前8時ごろに開発者のJohn Larson氏が今後PADのエイムアシストを調整する可能性がある旨をツイッターにて言及しました。

John Larson氏は下記のように言及しています。











【速報】タップストレイフ削除後の『仕様』について開発が説明 タップストレイフ削除は延期 タップストレイフ削除は延期になりました。 http://apexlegends-leaksn...


Let’s table that for a sec and dive right in to one of the spiciest topics in Apex: The MnK vs. Controller Debate. I can’t speak to one’s superiority over the other; they have their pros and cons. For the record though, across MMR levels, rank, you name it, the difference in weapon performance is not nearly as great as some would believe. Pred level controllers are not beating out pred level MnK with Prowlers in close range at any sort of crazy rate.

Data aside, we can assume pro players with thousands of hours of playtime have legitimate concerns. I’m not writing these off. To quote the designer behind Apex’s aim assist, Rayme Vinson, “Conceptually; aim assist sits at the input layer, above balance design. Using it as a difficulty lever is bad. Aim assist is for accessibility. And, yes, it’s easy for us to accidentally make it ‘too good,’ and where that line is can be up for debate.”

As Apex and its players evolve, it’s only prudent for us to continue to evaluate whether or not aim assist is “too good.” When I see top-level controller players saying they would be alright with nerfing aim assist, I definitely take note. Players should not feel forced to use a specific input type, and if I see players converting out of what they think is necessity, I would 100% be concerned. In fact, I’m meeting with CGE, weapons, and analytics teams this week to take a temperature reading on the situation.

I think about some of the input layer differences between MnK and controller (looting speed/strafing, range performance, movement capabilities) and think that it’s a bummer we can’t have perfect gameplay parity. That’s impossible as long as both input types exist. It’s also the reason we’re hesitant when people ask for a separate Valk jetpack keybind so they can wall-bounce, for example. What may seem like a simple QoL change can give a controller player a bit of FOMO.

Unfortunately, the asks of increasing aim assist at range or improving the looting flow on controller are not as easy as changing a couple numbers. Some things are deeply engrained in muscle memory where it’s not worth touching. Others require a lot more resources to make sure we get it right. We always have our eyes peeled for opportunities for improvement, and try to jump on them when we time to do our due diligence.

When people say, “Gee dang it, Respawn’s balancing decisions cater to controller players,” the best answer I have is, “When it comes to accessibility, we often must consider controller players given the constraints compared to MnK. But, accessibility does not equal balance design, and it’s a strawman argument to treat it as such.”

【速報】タップストレイフ削除後の『仕様』について開発が説明 タップストレイフ削除は延期 タップストレイフ削除は延期になりました。 http://apexlegends-leaksn...
【Apex】タップストレイフ削除について開発が8300文字で声明を発表タップストレイフ削除は延期 タップストレイフ削除は延期になりました。 http://apexlegends-leaksnew...
